High School - Summer Learning Program

High School - Summer Learning Program - REGISTRATION IS CLOSED

  • SCSACE 2021 GP North Summer School Registration Instructions
  • SCSACE 2021 GP South Summer School Registration Instructions
  • SCSACE 2021 Odysseyware Course offerings Grades 9-12
  • SCSACE 2021 In-Person Course Offerings

Grosse Pointe Public Schools will again be partnering with St. Clair Shores Adult and Community Education (SCSACE) to provide opportunities for our high school students to earn credit through their 2021 Summer programming. Classes will be offered both in-person and virtual. 

In-person classes will be held at North Lake High School, 23340 Elmira, St. Clair Shores (Elmira is located off Jefferson, 9 blocks north of Masonic). The in-person classes are limited to the following subjects: Algebra 2, Geometry, Biology, Chemistry, and English classes. Class size will be limited to 20 students for the in-person courses. Students will be enrolled for in-person classes on a first come, first serve basis. Once the limit of 20 is reached students will be placed on a waitlist. (Students who end up on the waitlist will be notified by email that they have been placed on a waitlist.) Registration is closed.

Virtual classes will be offered through the Odysseyware program with a variety of courses to choose from for our students to reach their established goals. Students will check-in with their teacher once a week.

Classes run between June 29-August 5, 2021.